

Hadrian’s Mausoleum, Castel of Sant'Angelo

Publius Aelius Traianus Hadrianus (76-138 AD) was born in Italica, in southern Spain, of Roman colonists settled in the region. Trajan adopted him because he was the nephew of his wife, Plotina. As his uncle’s successor (117-138), Hadrian abandoned military expansion to dedicate himself to the administration of the vast territory through which he traveled for years. For being educated and tolerant he was later regarded as one of “The Five Good Emperors”.

Publius Aelius Traianus Hadrianus (76-138 AD) nasceu em Itálica no sul de Espanha, de colonos Romanos radicados na região. Trajano adoptou-o por ser sobrinho de Plotina, sua mulher. Como sucessor do tio (117-138) abandonou a expansão militar para se entregar à administração do imenso território por onde viajou durante anos. Culto e tolerante consideram-no um dos 'cinco bons Imperadores'.

Caspar Adriaeszoon van Wittel called Vanvitelli (1653-1736)-'the Castel of Sant'Angelo from the South'-ca 1690

Alexander Pavlovich Brullov (1798-1877)-'view of the Castel of Sant'Angelo (sunset)'-watercolor-1826   Private collection

Sylvester Feodosiyevich Shchedrin (1791-1877)-'view of the river Tiber and Castel Sant'Angelo'-oil on canvas-(1823-1825)   Moscow-Tretyalov Gallery

Claude Joseph Vernet (1714-1789)-'the bridge and Castel of Sant'Angelo'-oil on canvas-1745   Paris-Musée du Louvre

Lievin Cruyl (1640-1720)-'Castle of Sant'Angelo'-etching-(1710-1715)   London-Victoria and Albert Museum

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