

Acropolis of Athens

Some of the most famous buildings of antiquity (Parthenon, Erechtheum, and others) were built, after 450 BC, in the Acropolis (“high city”), a 150 meters high rocky hill.

Na acrópole ('cidade alta'), monte rochoso de 150 metros de altitude, construíram depois de 450 aC, alguns dos mais famosos edifícios da Antiguidade (Partenon, Erecteion, entre outros).

Johann Michael Wittmer (1802-1880)-'view of Athens from the river Ilissos'-watercolour-1833

Georg Macco (1863-1933)-'view of the Acropolis and Olympierion'-oil on canvas-1933

Rudolf Müller (1802-1885)-'view of acropolis from the Pynx-1863

Adolf Böhm (1861-1927)-'acropolis of Athens'-oil on canvas

Ippolito Caffi (1809-1866)-'the Partenon'-watercolour-1863   Venezia-Museo d'Arte Moderna Ca' Pesaaro

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