

Mythological abductions

In a kidnapping crime the victim was predominantly female. The abductor removed the victims from their environment by violence, intimidation or fraud. The intention was to force against the sexual integrity of the person concerned. In Greek mythology there are lots of successful abduction cases.

No delito de rapto a vítima era predominantemente do sexo feminino. O raptor retirava‑a do seu ambiente pela violência, intimidação ou fraude. A intenção era forçar a integridade sexual da pessoa visada. Na mitologia grega existem imensos casos de raptos bem-sucedidos.

Paul Joseph Jamin (1853-1903)-'a rape on the Stone-Age'-oil on canvas-1888   Reims-Musée des Beaux-Arts

Charles-André van Loo (1705-1765)-'Neptune and Amymone'-oil on canvas-ca 1757   Paris-Musée du Louvre

Michel Dorigny (1617-1663)-'Pan and the nymph Syrinx'-oil on canvas-1657   Paris-Musée du Louvre  

Rembrandt van Rijn (1606-1669)-'the abduction of Europa'-oil on oak panel-1632   Malibu-J. P. Getty Museum

Sebastiano Conca (ca 1680-1764)-'the rape of the Oreithya by Boreas (the North wind)'-oil on canvas   Paris-Musée du Louvre    

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