

Passion of Christ the by Limbourg Brothers (ca 1416)

The miniatures painted by the Limbourg brothers are part of the manuscript “Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry”, which belongs the Condé Museum in Chantilly.

As iluminuras pintadas pelos Irmãos Limbourg encontram-se no manuscrito 'Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry' pertença do Museu Condé de Chantilly.

Limbourg Brothers (ca 1416)-'the entry into Jerusalem'-tempera on vellum-fol. 173v

Limbourg Brothers (ca 1416)-'Christ leaving the Praetorium'-tempera on vellum-fol. 146v

Limbourg Brothers (ca 1416)-'the flagellation'-tempera on vellum-fol. 144r

Limbourg Brothers (ca 1416)-'the road to Calvary'-tempera on vellum-fol. 147r

Limbourg Brothers (ca 1416-'the Crucifixion'-tempera on vellum-fol. 157v

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