

Sanssouci Palace in Potsdam

In 1745, Frederick II of Prussia (Friedrich der Grosse or der Alte Fritz) (1712-1786) ordered the construction of the palace of Sanssouci in Potsdam. It features a Rococo style with a design by the architect and painter Georg von Wenzeslau Knobelsdorf (1699-1753), whom he had sent to Italy to study. To his refuge he called in French “sanssouci” or “without worry”. The picture gallery has paintings of artistic value; the ones that stand out are those by Rubens.

Frederico II da Prússia (Friederich der Grosse ou der Alte Fritz) (1712-1786) mandou construir em 1745 o palácio de Sanssouci em Potsdam. De estilo rococó, tem desenho do arquiteto e pintor Georg Wenzeslau von Knobelsdorf (1699-1753), que mandara estudar em Itália. Ao seu refúgio chamou em francês sanssouci ou without worry. A galeria de quadros possui pinturas com valor artístico, onde se destacam as de Rubens.

Johann Friedrich Nagel (1765-1825)-'deer garden colonnade'-watercolor-1792   Potsdam Sanssouci Schloss (Bildergalerie)

Johann Heinrich Hintze (1806-1861)-'Potsdam-Sanssouci Palace, terraces and fountains of Great West'-watercolor-1844

Georg Wenzeslau von Knobelsdorff (1699-1753)-' Neptune grotte in the park of Sanssouci'

Luca Cardevarijs (1663-1729)-'the warf, looking toward the Doge's Palace'-oil on canvas    Potsdam Sanssouci Schloss (Bildergalerie)

Jean-Baptiste Pater (1695-1736)-'Mme de Bouvillon tempts fate by asking Ragotin to search for a pea'-oil on canvas    Potsdam Sanssouci Schloss (Bildergalerie)

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