

Black slaves in Europe

During the 17th century, in Europe, the use of black slaves in emblazoned houses was considered to be refined.

Na Europa, durante o séc. XVII, considerava-se requintado o uso de escravos negros nas casas brasonadas.

Anthony van Dick (1599-1647)-'portait of Marchesa Elena Grimaldi'-oil on canvas-ca 1623    Washington-National Gallery of Art

Johannes Mijtens (ca 1614-1670)-'portrait of Maria of Orange (1642-1688) with Hendrik van Zuijlestein (d.1673) as servant-oil on canvas-ca 1665   The Haghue-Maurithuis

Johannes (Jan) Voorhout (1647-1723)-'domestic music scene'-oil on canvas-1674

Nicolas de Largillière (1656-1746)-'Marquise de Noailles and children'-ca 1698

Charles Dauphin ( -1677)-'Christine Marie of France, duchess of Savoy  as Minerva'--ca 1630

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