

French Revolution (1793)

The Jacobin Republic, supported by the sans-culottes and the Paris Commune took power in a violent way. After having guillotine Louis XVI, they went to war with the First coalition formed by Austria, Prussia, Holland, Spain, and England. With the fall of the Girondins at the end of May, the “Reign of Terror” began. Charlotte Corday murdered Jean-Paul Marat.

A República Jacobina, apoiada pelos sans-culottes e pela Comuna de Paris, assumiu o poder de forma violenta. Depois de guilhotinarem Luís XVI entraram em guerra com a Primeira coligação constituída pela Áustria, Prússia, Holanda, Espanha, Inglaterra. Com a queda dos Girondinos no final de Maio iniciou-se o 'Reino do Terror'. Charlotte Corday assassinou Jean-Paul Marat.

Charles Benazech (1767-1794)-'Louis XVI bidding to his family at the Temple, January 20, 1793'-oil on canvas   Versailles-Musée du Château et des Trianons

Charles Benazech (1767-1794)-'Louis XVI at the foot of the guillotine with l'Abbé Edgemont de Firmont, January 21, 1793'-oil on canvas   Versailles-Musée du Château et des Trianons

Anonymous French painter (18th century)-'the execution of Louis XVI'   Paris-Musée Carnavalet

Anonymous French painter (18th century)-'a meeting of the Jacobin Club in January 1793'    Paris-BNF (collection des Estampes)

Jean-Jacques Hauer (1751-1829)-'the Dauphin taken away from his family July 3, 1793' Paris-Musée Carnavalet

Edvard Munch (1863-1944)-'the death of Marat, july 13, 1793'-oil on canvas-1907   Oslo-Munch Mvseet

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