

Pillory: derision and punishment

Sentences of offenders, who would be exposed to mockery, to corporal punishment and sometimes death, were read in front of pillories - stone or wooden columns with iron hooks or wooden boards.

Em frente dos pelourinhos, colunas de pedra ou madeira com ganchos de ferro ou placas de madeira, liam-se as sentenças dos delinquentes que iam ser expostos ao escárnio, à punição corporal e por vezes à morte.

Thomas Rowlandson (1756-1829) and Augustus Charles Pugiri (1762-1832) after John Bluck (1791-1819)-'the pillory at Charing Cross'-aquatint and engraving-1809

James Charles Armytage ( -1902)-'Daniel Defoe (ca 1659-1731)'   London-National Portrait Gallery

Unknown (18th century)-'pillored Titus Oates (1649-1705)'-engraving   Robert Chambers; Book of day

Jean-Baptiste Debret (1768-1848)-'view of the Teatro São João of Rio de Janeiro'-lithography with water colors

Robert Harris (1849-1919)-'the Charlottetown pillory'-drawing, ink, wash and pencil on paper

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