

Donkeys in paintings

Due to their possessions, artisans mainly used donkeys as saddle animals. Jesus Christ is represented next to this kind of animal during his birth, the flight to Egypt and his entry into Jerusalem (Matthew, 21, 1-11).

Os artesãos, devido às suas posses, utilizaram principalmente os burros como animais de sela. Jesus Cristo aparece representado junto deste animal durante o nascimento, a fuga para o Egipto e a entrada em Jerusalém (São Mateus, 21, 1-11).

Unknown (11th BC)-'three demons with knives, tethered donkey'-papyrus-21th dynasty (1080-960 BC) Wien-Kunsthistoriches Museum, Aegyptisch Orientyalische Sammlung (Chensumose; book of dead)

Unknown (14th century)-'arrival of Pope Urban II in France for the Council of Clermont 1095'-miniature-1387   Paris-BNF-Ms 22495, fol 15 (Godefroy de Bouillon; Roman)

Pol Limbourg (fl 1385-1416) and Jean Colombe (ca 1430-ca 1493)-'February'-miniature in vellum   Chantilly-Musée Condé (Les très riches heures du duc de Berry)

Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes (1746-1828)-'the snowstorm'-oil on canvas-(1786-1788)   Madrid-Museo del Prado

Eugenio Lucas Velázquez (1817-1870)-'condemned by the Inquisition'-oil on canvas   Madrid-Cason del Buen Retiro

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