

Journey Suez-Sinai by David Roberts

On February 7, 1839, David Roberts (1796-1864) left Cairo towards Palestine in order to visit the holy places of Christianity, without forgetting the Biblical and Islamic places. He published his etchings on “A Journey in the Holy Land”.

A 7 de fevereiro de 1839 saiu David Roberts (1796-1864) do Cairo em direção à Palestina com a finalidade de visitar os locais sagrados do Cristianismo, sem esquecer os lugares bíblicos e islâmicos. Publicou as suas gravuras em “A journey in the Holy Land”.

David Roberts (1796-1864)-'view of Suez'-drawing-1839 

David Roberts (1796-1864)-'Ayn Mousa. The wells of Moses'-drawing-1839 

David Roberts (1796-1864)-'approach to mount Sinai'-drawing-1839
David Roberts (1796-1864)-'Convent of Saint Catherine, mount Sinai'-drawing-1839 

David Roberts (1796-1864)-'ascent to the summit of mount Sinai'-drawing-1839 

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