
Famous places of the past by Aubert

In the 19th century there were three engravers under the name Aubert. Regarding the remote past, artists have more imagination than information. The pictures belong to the book “Adrien-César Égron; La Terre Sainte et les livres illustrés par les Apôtres. Vues pittoresques, Audot, Paris (1839)”.

No séc. XIX existiram três gravadores com o nome de Aubert. Em relação ao passado remoto os artistas plásticos dispõem de mais imaginação que informação. As gravuras pertencem ao livro “Adrien-César Égron; La Terre Sainte et les livres illustrés par les Apôtres. Vues pittoresques, Audot, Paris (1839)”.

Aubert (19th century)-'Sidon'-steel engraving 

Aubert (19th century)-'Mosul'-steel engraving 

Aubert (19th century)-'Miletus'-steel engraving 

Aubert (19th century)-'Tyr'-steel engraving 

Aubert (19th century)-'Babylon'-steel engraving 

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