

Oriental women

The concepts “Oriental” and “exotic” emerged when Europe considered itself the navel of the world. Actually there are peoples with different ethnic, cultural, religious aspects. The costume is connected to these conceptions and climatic factors. The human condition is not affected by these changes.

Os conceitos de “Oriental” e “exótico” surgiram quando a Europa se considerava o umbigo do Mundo. Na realidade existem povos diferenciados em aspetos étnicos, culturais, religiosos. O trajo está ligado a essas conceções e a fatores climatéricos. A condição humana não sofre alterações com essas mudanças.

Théodore Chassériau (1819-1856)-'scene in the Jewish Quartier of Constantine'-oil on canvas-1881   New York-Metropolitan Museum of Art

Étienne Dinet (1851-1929)-'Abdel Ghourem and Nour el Ain (the slave of love and light eyes)'-oil on canvas-1900   Paris-Musée d'Orsay

Carl Haag (1820-1915)-'danger in the desert'-oil on canvas-1887

Jean-Baptiste Huysmans (1826-1906)-'entertainment on the terrace'-watercolor-ca 1906

Adolphe Aze (1823-1884)-'the departure of the artist: scene in Egypt'-ca 1884

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