

Temples of Paestum

The ancient Greek city Poseidonia was renamed as Paestum by the Romans. It is located 40km south of Salerno. Among the Doric Order temples it is possible to see the ruins of Hera (6th century BC), Poseidon (Neptune) (5th century BC) and Ceres (in fact dedicated to Athena).

A antiga cidade grega de Poseidonia recebeu dos romanos a denominação de Paestum. Situa-se 40km a sul de Salerno. De entre os templos de ordem dórica são visíveis as ruínas de Hera (séc. VI aC), Poseidon (Neptuno) (séc. V aC) e Ceres, na realidade dedicado a Palas Atena.

Jean-Jacques-François Taurel (1751-1832)-'artists closing to Paestum from the sea'- oil on canvas   Vizille-Château (Musée de la Révolution)

Gioacchino La Pira (1839-1870)-'Paestum'-gouache-ca 1870

Jakob Philipp Hackert (1737-1807) and Charles Gore (1729-1807)-'view of the Basilica and Poseidon temple of Paestum'-watercolor-1777

Y. Gianni (19-20th century)-'temple of Hera in Paestum'-1898

Jules-Louis-Philippe Coignet (1798-1860)-'the temple of Paestum in the evening light'-ca 1880

Charles-Louis Clérisseau (1721-1820)-'ruins of the so-called 'temple of Neptune' in Paestum-drawing and gouache-ca 1761

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