

Eruptions of Vesuvius

Vesuvius has been one of the most active volcanoes since the account of Pliny The Elder in 79 AD. Some of its eruptions have also been deadly and spectacular.

O Vesúvio tem sido dos vulcões mais ativos desde o relato de Plínio, o velho, em 79 AD. Algumas das suas erupções foram igualmente mortíferas e espetaculares.

Joseph Mallord William Turner (1775-1851)-'Vesuvius in eruption'-watercolor-1847   New Haven (Conn.)-Yale Center for British Art

Pierre-Jacques Volaire (ca 1727-1802)-'eruption of mount Vesuvius'-oil on canvas   Richmond-Virginia Museum of Fine Art

Alessandro D'Anna (1743-1810)-'Eruptions of Vesuvius (June 1794)'-engraving    in Paolo Gasparini, Silvana Musella; Un viaggio al Vesuvio: Il Vesuvio visto attraverso diari, lettere e resocconti di viaggiatori, Liquori Editore

Joseph Wright of Derby (1734-1797)-'Vesuvius from Portici'   Pasadena (Calif)-Huntington Library

George Julius Poulett Scrope (1797-1876)-'the eruption of Vesuvius as seen from Naples, October 1822'-lithograph (Vicent Brooks, Day & Son)   in G. J. P. Scrope; Historial drawings, Mason (1864)

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