

Greek independence 1821

The fight for the Greek independence against the Ottoman Empire began with a peasants’ revolt followed by another one promoted by merchants. The first years after liberation were not peaceful.

A luta pela independência grega contra o domínio do Império Otomano começou com uma revolta de camponeses seguida de outra promovida pelos comerciantes. Não foram pacíficos os primeiros anos após a libertação.

Eugène Delacroix (1798-1863)-'combat of the Giaour and the Pasha'-oil on canvas-1827   Chicago-Art Institute

Eugène Delacroix (1798-1863)-'the massacre of Chios'

Konstantinos Volanakis (1837-1907)-'the attack on the Turkish flagship in the gulf of Eressos at the Greek island of Lesvos by a fire ship commanded by Dimitrios Papanikolis'-oil on canvas

Theodorus Vryzakis (1814-1878)-'the sortie of Messolonghi'-oil on canvas-1853   Athens-National Gallery

Panagiotis Zografos (active 1836-1839)-'the battle of Alaman'

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