

Taormina, Sicily

The Sicilian coastal town of Taormina first had the name “Naxos”, when the Greeks founded the colony in the year 734 BC. It displays the ruins of a Greek theater. On the outskirts lies Mount Etna with its volcano.

A cidade costeira siciliana de Taormina começou por receber o nome de Naxos quando os gregos fundaram esta colónia em 734 aC. Possui ruinas dum teatro grego. Nos arredores situa-se o monte Etna com o seu vulcão.

Carl Rottmann (1787-1850)-'Taormina and the mount Etna-oil on canvas-ca 1830   München-Neue Pinakothek

Thomas Cole (1801-1848)-'mount Aetna from Taormina'-oil on canvas-1843

William J. Ferguson (1849-1896)-'Taormina'-watercolor on paper   Private collection

William Logsdail (1859-1944)-'greek theatre, Taormina'-oil on canvas-(1890-1900)
John Brett (1830-1902)-Taormina'-oil on canvas-1870

Alessandro la Volpe (1820-1887)-'view of Taormina, Sicily, with mount Etna in the background'-oil on canvas-1862

Clarkson Frederick Stanfield or William Clark Stanfield (1793-1867)-'view of mount Etna from Taormina'-watercolor   Private collection

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