

Free Radicals

Free radicals are molecules or atoms highly reactive due to the presence of an extra electron in the last layer.
The “mitochondrial free radical theory of aging” began in 1954. In living organisms, free radicals are formed endogenously during the oxidation processes of some nutrients absorbed by the digestive tract. Among those coming from outside we can list: environmental pollution factors, RX and UV, smoked tobacco, alcohol, animal fats, pesticide residues, certain food additives, hormones administered to animals, part of the oxygen we breathe.
Living organisms have enzymes that act effectively as protective elements against radicals’ aggressiveness on the cells, but they need supplements available in vegetables and fruit bearers of antioxidant substances: vitamins C and E and beta-carotenes. Their presence at the cellular level triggers pathological disorders such as blood strokes, myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis, certain types of cancer, and Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.

* M. Barry Halliwell and C. Gutteridge, Free Radical in Biology and Medicine, Claredon Press, Oxford (1989)

Denominam-se radicais livres as moléculas ou átomos altamente reactivos devido à presença de um electrão suplementar na última camada. A teoria "mitochondrial free radical theory of aging" iniciou-se em 1954. Nos organismos vivos formam-se endogenamente durante os processos de oxidação de alguns nutrientes absorvidos por via digestiva. Entre os provenientes do exterior contam-se: factores de poluição ambiental, RX e UV, tabaco fumado, álcool, gorduras animais, resíduos de pesticidas, certos aditivos alimentares, hormonas administradas a animais, parte do oxigénio respirado.
Os organismos vivos possuem enzimas que actuam eficazmente como protectoras da sua agressividade sobre as células, mas necessitam de suplementos disponíveis em legumes e frutos portadores de substâncias anti-oxidantes: vitaminas C e E e beta-carotenos. A sua presença a nível celular desencadeia distúrbios patológicos como: derrames sanguíneos, enfarto do miocárdio, aterosclerose, certos tipos de cancro e doenças de Alzheimer e Parkinson.
*Barry Halliwell and M. C. Gutteridge; Free radical in biology and medicine, Claredon Press, Oxford (1989)

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