

Crimean war (1853-1856)

The Russian Empire faced a coalition of empires: the Ottoman, the French and the UK. It was forced by the Treaty of Paris to return the south of Bessarabia and the mouth of the Danube.

O império russo enfrentou a coligação dos impérios: Otomano, Reino Unido e Francês.
Pelo tratado de Paris obrigou-se a devolver o sul da Bessarábia e embocadura do Danúbio.

Richard Caton Woodville (1856-1927)-‘the relief of the Light Brigade at the Balaklava’-oil on canvas-1897

Horace Vernet (1789-1862)-‘battle of Alma’

William Simpson (1823-1899)-‘charge of the Light Cavalry Brigade, 25th October 1854 under Major General the Earl of Cardigan at Balaklava’-lithograph    from ‘The seat of the war in the East’

William Simpson (1823-1899)-‘British bombardment of the fortress Bomarsund (Aland islands-Baltic) during the Crimes war, August 1854’-lithograph    from ‘The seat of the war in the East’

Unknown (19th century)-‘Greek volontiers under Panos Koronaios in Sevastopol during the Crimea war’-1854    Athens-Benaki Museum

William Simpson (1823-1899)-‘embarkation of sick persons at the harbor in Balaklava April 1855’-tinted lithograph

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