

Italy by Christen Schiellerup Kobke

The Danish artist Christen Schiellerup Kobke (1810-1848) won a trip to Italy in 1838. This allowed him to make sketches in the regions he visited which he used for some of his paintings after returning to his country.

O dinamarquês Christen Schiellerup Kobke (1810-1848) ganhou uma viagem a Itália em 1838. Tal facto permitiu-lhe fazer esboços nas regiões visitadas que, de regresso ao seu país, usou para algumas das suas pinturas.

Christen Schiellerup Kobke (1810-1848)-'bay of Naples with Vesuvius in the background' oil on canvas-1843    Toledo-Museum of Art

Christen Schiellerup Kobke (1810-1848)-'gateway in the Via Sepulchralis in Pompeii'-oil on canvas-1846    Los Angeles-County Museum of Art

Christen Schiellerup Kobke (1810-1848)-'Castel dell'Ovo a Naples'-oil on paper mounted in canvas-ca1840    Copenhagen-Statens Museum for Kunst
Christen Schiellerup Kobke (1810-1848)-'view of Marina Piccola'

Christen Schiellerup Kobke (1810-1848)-'Marina Piccola on Capri'-ca 1836    Copenhagen-Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek

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