

Wrestling (medieval)

Wrestling is a martial art which makes use of various techniques to prevent its purpose: to annul the opponent.

Por luta entende-se a arte marcial com técnicas diversas para evitar a sua finalidade: anular o adversário.

Anonymous (13th)-'a decorated initial with two wrestling men'-miniature    London-British Library (Ms Arundel 157, fol. 95v)

Anonymous (15th)-'the wrestling of Hercules and Achelous'-miniature    London-British Library (Ms Ovidd's Metamorphoses Ms Royal 17 E IV, fol. 136r)

Anonymous (13th)-'wrestlers'-miniature    London-British Library (Aristotle; libri Naturale Ms Harley 3487, fol. 34r)

Anonymous (13th)-'boy and girl wrestling'-miniature    Oxford-Bodleian Library (Ms Ouseley Add. 1, fol. 6a)

Anonymous (13th)-'Entellus and Dares wrestling'-miniature    London-British Library (Ms King's 24, fol. 88)

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