

Greco-Roman Antiquities by Simone Pomardi

The Italian Simone Pomardi (1757-1830) travelled across his country and Greece to leave a testimony of the state in which he found important monuments of the past.

O italiano Simone Pomardi (1757-1830) viajou pelo seu país e pela Grécia para deixar testemunho do estado em que encontrou monumentos importantes do passado.

Simone Pomardi (1757-1830)-‘Turkish village on the Acropolos’-1805

Simone Pomardi (1757-1830)-‘SE view of the temple at Sunium’

Simone Pomardi (1757-1830)-‘a view of Colosseum’-oil on canvas

Simone Pomardi (1757-1830)-‘SE view of the Erechtheion’    Private collection

Simone Pomardi (1757-1830)-‘arch of Trajan, Rome’-oil on canvas

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