

Seascapes (19th century)

As a large body of water that surrounds islands and continents, the sea performs several functions, including transportation of people and goods, and recreational goals.

O mar como grande massa de água que rodeia ilhas e continentes desempenha várias funções, entre as quais transporte de pessoas e bens, motivos de lazer.

William Callcott Knell (1830-1876)-‘fishermen drying their sails at the end of the day, Royal Navy two-deckers anchored beyond’-oil on canvas-1862    Private collection

John Wilson Carmichael (1800-1868)-‘a large second rate, probably HMS Asia passing throught local small craft off Gibraltar’-oil on canvas-1858    Private collection

William Adolphus Knell (ca 1808-1875)-‘Indiamen in the Thames’-oil on canvas    Greenwich-National Maritime Museum

Samuel Austin (1796-1839)-‘fishermen unloading the catch at low tide’-oil on canvas-1831    Private collection

John Wilson Carmichael (1800-1868)-‘a breezy day off Flamborough Head, Yorkshire’-oil on canvas-1861    Private collection

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