

Frescoes: Musei Capitolini - Rome

The museums of the Capitol in Rome (Musei Capitolini Palazzo dei Conservatori), include frescoes and oil paintings from a variety of centuries and artists, and Roman sculptures. They are installed in two palaces facing the equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius.

Os museus do Capitólio em Roma (Musei Capitolini Palazzo dei Conservatori) compreendem pinturas a fresco e óleo de vários séculos e artistas e esculturas romanas. Encontram-se instalados em dois palácios frente à estátua equestre de Marco Aurélio.

Giuseppe Cesare called Cavalier d’Arpino (1568-1640)-‘combat of the Horatii and the Curiatii’-(1612-1613)    Hall

Giuseppe Cesare called Cavalier d’Arpino and workshop (1568-1640)-‘battle against the inhabitants of Veii and Fidenae’-1597    Hall

Tommaso Laureti (ca 1530-1602)-‘battle of Lake Regillus’-(1587-1594)

Jacopo Ripanda ( -ca 1516)-‘Hannibal crosses the Alps’    sala di Annibale

Giuseppe Cesare called Cavalier d’Arpino (1568-1640)-‘the finding of the she-wolf (Lupa Capitolina)

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