

Paris suburb by Luis Jiménez y Aranda

The Spanish-born French Luis Jiménez y Aranda (1845-1928), after studying in Seville at the Academy of Fine Arts of St. Elizabeth of Hungary, was in Rome before settling in Pontoise.

O espanhol naturalizado francês Luis Jiménez y Aranda (1845-1928) depois de ter estudado em Sevilha na Academia de Bellas Artes de Santa Isabel da Hungria, esteve em Roma antes de se instalar em Pontoise.

Luis Jiménez y Aranda (1845-1928)-‘washerwomen on a river bank’

Luis Jiménez y Aranda (1845-1928)-‘the banques of the Oise’-watercolor

Luis Jiménez y Aranda (1845-1928)-‘the garden of Pontoise’-1892

Luis Jiménez y Aranda (1845-1928)-‘in the studio’

Luis Jiménez y Aranda (1845-1928)-‘goings-on’

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