

Gathering by Emile Claus

The Belgian artist Emile Claus (1849-1924) painted country scenes, some of them located on the region of the river Lys in Flanders.

O belga Emile Claus (1849-1924) pintou cenas campestres, algumas delas situadas na região do rio Lys, na Flandres.

Emile Claus (1849-1924)-‘beetroot harvest’-1890

Emile Claus (1849-1924)-‘flaxweeding in Flanders’-1887    Antwerpen-Museum voor Schone Kunste

Emile Claus (1849-1924)-‘flax harvest’-1904    Bruxelles-Musées Royaux des Beaux-Arts

Emile Claus (1849-1924)-‘young peasant women at the Lys river’

Emile Claus (1849-1924)-‘gathering corn’-oil on canvas    Ghent-Museum voor Schone Kunste

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