

High sea ships

Under normal conditions, at high sea, only large ships navigate.

Em condições normais, no alto mar, navegam somente navios de grande porte.

James Webb (1815-1895)-‘landing fishing boats in Dover harbour’-1867

Lieve Verschuier (1627-1686)-‘Keelhauling, according tradition of the ship’s doctor of Admiral Jan van Nes’-oil on canvas    Amsterdam-Rijksmuseum

Lieve Verschuier (1627-1686)-‘the arrival of the king Charles II of England in Rotterdam, 24 May 1660’-oil on canvas    Amsterdam-Rijksmuseum

Pieter Corneliszoon van Soest (fl 1640-1667)-‘the attack on the Medway’

Clarkson Frederick Stanfield (1793-1867)-‘the battle of Trafalgar’-oil on canvas

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