
Les Halles, Paris

Les Halles are the warehouses of a variety of wholesale products, which had different locations, the last of which dated back to the Second Empire.

Por halles entende-se os armazéns de venda de variados artigos por atacado, os quais tiveram diversas localizações, a última das quais datava do II Império.

Eugène Galien-Laloue (1854-1941)-‘Les Halles, Paris’-gouache-ca 1941

Victor Gabriel Gilbert (1847-1933)-‘the Square in front of Les Halles, Paris’-1880    Le Havre-Musée Malraux

Victor Gabriel Gilbert (1847-1933)-‘the fish-hall at the Central Market’-oil on canvas-1881

Jacques Lieven (1850- )-‘Les Halles, Paris’-pencil and body color

François-Marie Firmin. Girard (1838-1921)-‘autumn market at Les Halles, Paris’-oil on canvas    Private collection

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