

Social gatherings by Georges Croegaert

As the Belgian artist Georges Croegaert (1848-1923) shows, in their free time people like to meet to see each other and share ideas.

Nos tempos livres, como mostra o belga Georges Croegaert (1848-1923), a maioria das pessoas gosta de se encontrar para se rever e trocar impressões.

Georges Croegaert (1848-1923)-‘a quiet moment’-oil on panel-1884    Private collection

Georges Croegaert (1848-1923)-‘dreams of the Orient’-oil on panel  

Georges Croegaert (1848-1923)-‘quiet drink’

Georges Croegaert (1848-1923)-‘the boating party’-oil on panel-1885    Private collection

Georges Croegaert (1848-1923)-‘the flirtation’-oil on panel-1886    Private collection

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