

Vases and food by Willem Kalf

Willem Kalf (1619-1693), a painter of the Dutch golden age, left still lifes with various motifs.

Willem Kalf (1619-1693), pintor da época de ouro holandesa, deixou naturezas mortas com diversos motivos.

Willem Kalf (1619-1693)-‘wine glass and a bowl of fruit’-oil on canvas-1663    Cleveland-Museum of Art

Willem Kalf (1619-1693)-‘still life’-oil on canvas-ca 1660    Paris-Musée du Louvre

Willem Kalf (1619-1693)-‘still life with drinking-horn, lobster and glass’-oil on canvas-ca 1653    London-National Gallery

Willem Kalf (1619-1693)-‘still life with a Chinese porcelain jar’-oil on canvas-1669    Indianapolis-Museum of Art

Willem Kalf (1619-1693)-‘kitchen still life in a farmhouse’

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