


Over the past centuries many artists from several European countries have shown their interest in Roma and the specific problems of these people.

Ao longo dos últimos séculos muitos pintores de vários países europeus se interessaram pelos ciganos e pelos problemas específicos deste povo.

Thomas Kent Pelham (ca 1831-1907)-‘the gypsies’-oil on canvas

Robert Kemm (1837-11895)-‘castillian courtship’-oil on canvas    Private collection

Konstantin Yegorovich Makovsky (ca 1850-1915)-‘eastern woman gypsy’-oil on canvas-1878

Alexei Alexeievich Harlamoff (1840-1925)-‘portrait of a gypsy girl’

Konstantin Yegorovich Makovsky (ca 1850-1915)-‘gypsy’-oil on canvas

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