

Prometheus - the creation of Man

Prometheus revolted against the gods of Olympus and decided to create the human being.

Prometeu revoltou-se contra os deuses do Olimpo e resolveu criar o ser humano.

Jean-Simon Berthelemy (1745-1811)-‘Prometheus creating Man in the presence of Athena’

Christian Griepenkerl (1839-1912)-‘theft of Fire’-oil on canvas-1878     Oldenburg-Augusteum

Louis de Silvestre (1675-1760)-‘the formation of Man by Prometheus with the aid of Athena’-oil on canvas-1702     Montpellier-Musée Fabre

Abel Josef (1764-1818)-‘Prometheus, Mercury and Pandora’-ca 1818      Private collection

Christian Griepenkerl (1839-1912)-‘after Prometheus has created Man out of mud, Athena breathes life into him’-oil on canvas-ca 1878     Oldenburg-Augusteum

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