

Batalha de Kulikovo (Battle of Kulikovo-1380)

Consideram esta batalha contra os Tártaro-Mongóis como o início da Rússia. As tropas (80.000-150.000) de Dimitri Ivanovich, Príncipe de Moscovo, afrontaram as de Khan Mamai (125.000-300.000) auxiliadas pela cavalaria Mongol (Horda dourada). Iniciou-se a 8 de Setembro de 1380 com um combate a dois entre Peresvet, monge ortodoxo, e Temir-mueza, em que apenas o primeiro continuou montado no cavalo. Mamai escapou mas envenenaram-no na Crimeia no decurso do seu exílio. Como a batalha ocorreu na planície de Tula Oblast, junto do rio Don, o Príncipe recebeu o título de Donsky.

This battle against the Mongol-Tatars is considered as the beginning of Russia. Dimitri Ivanovich troops (80.000-150.000), prince of Moscow, fought those of Khan Mamai (125.000-300.000) aided by the Mongol cavalry (Golden Horde). It started on September 8, 1380, with a single combat between two men: Peresvet, an orthodox monk, and Temir-murza, in which only the first remained on his saddle. Mamai escaped but was later poisoned during his exile in Crimea. As the battle occurred on the plains of Tula Oblast, near Don River, the Prince was given the title of Donsky.

Anonymous-'Battle of Kulikovo'-illustration-17th century

Victor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov (1848-1926)-'duel of Alexander Peresvet and Mamai's champion'

Adolphe Yvon (1817-1893)-'Dimitry Donsky in the thick of fray'-oil on canvas-1850 Moscow-Kremlin Grand Palace

Vassily Sazonov (1789-1870)-'exhausted Dimitry having his wounds cared after the battle'

Unknown-'the field of Kulikovo'-ink, tempera, gold coloured by I. G. Blinov Moscow-State Historical Museum of Russia

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