

Carlos Magno (742-814) (Charlemagne)

Herdou o trono de seu pai Pepino, o Breve. Recebeu o título de rei dos Francos a partir de 771 e dos Lombardos depois de 774. O Papa Leão III corou-o Imperador do Sacro Império Romano-Germânico durante a missa de Natal do ano 800. Sua irmã, Berta de Laon, foi mãe de Rolando, marquês da Bretanha, defensor do desastre de Roncesvalles, no combate com os Biscainhos. Conquistou a Saxónia, Lombardia, vários ducados da península Itálica, ilhas Baleares, Barcelona. Com o monge inglês Alcuin executou uma reforma educativa baseada nas sete artes liberais, a qual facilitou o Renascimento. Em 806 dividiu o Império pelos três filhos mas somente lhe sucedeu Luís I, o Piedoso, que se revelou incapaz de o conservar. Morreu em Aix-la-Chapelle.
He inherited the throne from his father Pepin the Short. He received the title of king of the Franks in 771, and king of the Lombards after 774. Pope Leo III crowned him Emperor of the Holy Roman-German Empire during the Christmas mass in the year 800. His sister, Bertha of Laon, was Roland’s mother, the Marquis of Britain, defender of the disaster of Roncesvalles in the combat with the Basques. He conquered Saxony, Lombardy, several duchies of the Italian peninsula, the Balearic Islands, Barcelona. With the English monk Alcuin he implemented an educational reform based on the seven liberal arts, which facilitated the Renaissance. In 806 he divided the Empire among his three sons but only Louis I, the Pious, succeeded his father, who died at Aix-la-Chapelle. Louis I would be unable to save the empire.

Julius Köckert (1827-1916)-'Harum al-Rashid receiving a delegation of Charlemagne in Bagdad'-oil on canvas-1864 München-Maximilianeum Foundation

Ary Scheffer (1795-1858)-'Charlemagne receiving the submission of Witikind at Paderborn in 785'

Raffaello Sanzio (1485-1520)-'the coronation of Charlemagne by the Leo III in Ad 800'-fresco-(1516-1517) Città del Vaticano-Palazzi Pontifici (Stanza dell'incendio di Borgo)

Agostino Cornacchini (1686-1751)-'equestrian statue of Charlemagne'-sculpture-1725 Città del Vaticano-Basilica di San Pietro

Anonymous-'Shroud of Charlemagne manufactured in Constantinople'-814 Paris-Musée National du Moyen Âge

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