

Conquista do México (Conquest of Mexico)

Hernán Cortés Monroy Pizarro Altamirano (1485-1547) estudou Leis na Universidade de Salamanca dos 14 aos 16 anos. Partiu aos 18 anos para a ilha La Hispaniola e desta para Cuba. Em 1519 empreende a sua viagem ao México apesar da mesma não ter sido autorizada. Depois de destruir a esquadra espanhola que o perseguia, afundou as suas naus. Recebeu auxílio da nativa D. Marina (1496-1529 ou 1551), também conhecida por La Malinche. Chegou a 9 de Novembro de 1519 à cidade de Tenochtitlán (Cidade do México). Lopez de Gómara informa que Montezuma, imperador Azteca, terá acreditado que era o deus Quetzalcoatl de regresso do exílio para se vingar. Na noite de 30 de Junho de 1520 ocorreu a 'noite triste' durante a qual morreu Montezuma ao tentar acalmar o povo.

Hernán Cortés Monroy Pizarro Altamirano (1485-1547) studied Law at the University of Salamanca from the age of 14 to 16. At 18, he left to the island of La Hispaniola and then to Cuba. In 1519 he undertakes his voyage to Mexico even though it was not authorized. After destroying the Spanish fleet that was chasing him, he sank his own fleet. He was assisted by the native D. Marina (1496-1529 or 1551), also known as La Malinche. On November 9th, 1519, he reached the city of Tenochtitlan (Mexico City). Lopez de Gomara states that Monteczuma, the Aztec emperor, believed that Cortés was the god Quetzalcoatl returning from exile to take revenge. The "sad night" took place on the night of June 30th, 1520, during which Montezuma was killed while trying to calm his people.

Unknown (17th century)-'Maliche witth Cortés'-oil on canvas

Unknown (17th century)-'the entrance of Hernan Cortés into the city of Tabasco'-oil on canvas

Unknown (17th century)-'the arrival of Cortés and the reception by Monteczuma's ambassadors'-oil on canvas

Unknown (17th century)-'the meeting of Cortés and Monteczuma'-oil on canvas Private collection

Unknown (17th century)-'the sad night'-oil on canvas

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