

Mistérios de Elêusis (Eleusinian mysteries)

Foram os mais importantes da Antiguidade. Eram ritos de iniciação ao culto de Deméter e Perséfone, deusas gregas da agricultura. No Telesterion ou templo de Deméter, encontraram esculturas e vasos pintados relacionados com o tema. Celebravam o regresso à Terra depois de Hades ter raptado levado Perséfone para o mundo ctónico. Representavam o fim do ciclo sofrido pelas sementes de cereais durante o Inverno e o renascimento da vegetação na Primavera. Deméter ensinou a arte agrícola a Triptolemo, filho de Celeu, rei de Elêusis, com a finalidade deste a transmitir aos gregos. Para se poder deslocar pelo mundo helénico ofereceu-lhe um carro alado.
They were the most important in ancient times. They consisted in initiation rites to the cult of Demeter and Persephone, Greek goddesses of agriculture. Sculptures and painted vases which relate to the topic were found in Telesterion or temple of Demeter. They celebrated Persephone’s return to Earth after being kidnapped and taken to the chthonic world by Hades. They also represented the end of the cycle undergone by cereals seeds during winter and the rebirth of vegetation in spring. Demeter taught Triptolemus, Celeus’ son, king of Eleusis, the art of farming, so that he would transmit it to the Greeks. In order to be able to move along the Hellenistic world, Demeter also gave him a winged car.

Unknown-'Demeter and Persephone'-relief-480 BC Eleusis Museum

Unknown-'Demeter drives her horse-drawn chariot containing her daughter Kore'-relief-5th century-Selinunte (Sicily)

Varrese painter-'Demeter and Metanira'-Apulian-(red-figure)-hydria-ca 340 BC Berlin-Antikensammlung 1984.46 n2

Triptolemos painter-side A-'departure of Triptolemos'-stamnos-(red-figure)-attic-ca 480 BC Paris-Musée du Louvre (G 187)

Unknown-'Demeter and Persephone'-marble relief-440 BC Athens-National Archeological Museum (Eleusinian mysteries initiation)

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