

Guerras Greco-Persas (Greco-Persian wars)

Na 1ª Guerra ocorreu a 'batalha de Maratona' (Setembro de 490 aC). Conta Heródoto (séc. V aC) que os Gregos venceram os Persas de Dario I ao impedirem o ataque da cavalaria Persa. Milcíades terá enviado Fidipides a Atenas, o qual depois de percorrer os 42 km, gritou 'vencemos!' e caíu morto de cansaço. Da II Guerra destaca-se a batalha do desfiladeiro das 'Termópilas'. Indica Dionísio de Halicarnasso (séc. I aC) que se realizou no verão de 480 aC. Cerca de 300 Espartanos comandados pelo rei Leónidas lutaram contra milhares de Persa e foram vencidos. O 'combate naval de Salamina' teve lugar a 20 de Setembro de 480 aC. Xerxes derrotado por Temístocles partiu para a Ásia Menor.

The 'Battle of Marathon' took place in War I (September 490 BC). According to Herodotus (5th century BC) the Greeks defeated the Persians of Darius I because they prevented the attack of the Persian cavalry. Miltiades sent Phidipides to Athens, who after covering the 42 km, shouted "we won!" and fell tired to death. War II is famous for the battle of the gorge of 'Thermopylae'. Dionysius of Halicarnassus (Ist century BC) refers it was held in the summer of 480 BC. About 300 Spartans led by King Leonidas fought against thousands of Persian and were beaten. The 'naval battle of Salamis' took place on 20 September 480 BC. Xerxes defeated by Themistocles left to Asia Minor.

Brian Palmer-'battle of Marathon'-oil on canvas

Jacques-Louis David (1748-1825)-'the battle of Thermopylae'-oil on canvas-1814 Paris-Musée du Louvre

Howard David Johnson (1954- )-'the battle of Thermopylae'-oil on canvas

Fernand-Anne Piestre Cormon (1834-1874)-'the victory of Salamis'-oil on canvas

Wilhelm von Kaulbach (1805-1874)-'the sea battle near Salamis'-oil on canvas-1868 München-Senatsaal

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