

Moisés salvo das águas (1592-1472 aC) (The finding of Moses) ('Pharaos tochter-Die Auffindung Moses')

O Livro do Êxodo informa que Temutis, filha do Faraó Set, encontrou Moisés ao banhar-se no Nilo. Adoptou-o e educou-o como filho. Aos 40 anos (1552 aC), depois de assassinar um feitor, parte para o exílio. Instala-se próximo do golfo de Acaba e casa com Séfora. Depois de várias provações e privações conduz o seu povo a Canaã, a Terra Prometida. A tradição Judaico-Cristã atribui-lhe os primeiros cinco livros do Antigo Testamento. Os Muçulmanos consideram Musa (Moisés) um grande Profeta.

The Book of Exodus states that Temutis, daughter of the Pharaoh Set, met Moses while bathing on the Nile. She adopted him and raised him as a son. When he was 40 (1552 BC), after murdering a taskmaster, he left for the exile. He settled near the Gulf of Aqaba and marries Zipporah. After many trials and hardships he leads his people to Canaan, the Promised Land. The Judeo-Christian tradition ascribes the first five books of the Old Testament to him. Muslims consider Musa (Moses) a great prophet.

Paolo Caliari or Veronese (1528-1588)-'the finding of Moses'-oil on canvas-(1570-1575) Wien-Kunsthistorisches Museum Gemäldegalerie

Orazio Gentileschi (1563-1639)-'the finding of Moses'-oil on canvas-ca 1630 Madrid-Museo del Prado

Charles de La Fosse (1630-1716)-'the finding of Moses'-oil on canvas-(1675-1680) Paris-Musée du Louvre

Edwin Longsden Long (1829-1891)-'Pharaos tochter-Die Auffindung Moses' 'Pharaoh's daughter-the finding of Moses'-oil on canvas-1886 Bristol-City of Bristol Museums

Lawrence Alma-Tadema (1836-1912)-'the finding of Moses'-oil on canvas-1904 Private collection

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