

Death by Hans Baldung (Hans Baldung e a morte)

Various epidemics of plague, followed by periods of famine, struck Europe in the early Renaissance. Hans Baldung Grien (1484-1540) lived during this tragic period and in his works he expressed the shock that death had produced in his spirit.

As várias epidemias de peste negra, seguidas de períodos de fome, assolaram a Europa no início da Renascença. Hans Baldung Grien (1484-1540) viveu nessa época trágica e expressou nas suas obras o choque que a morte produziu no seu espírito.

Hans Baldung Grien (1484-1540)-'knight, death and girl'-oil on wood Paris-Musée du Louvre

Hans Baldung Grien (1484-1540)-'Eve, serpent and death'-oil on panel-1512 Ottawa-National Gallery of Canada

Hans Baldung Grien (1484-1540)-'der Tod und das Mädchen' 'death and girl'-tempera on wood-1515 Basel-Kunstmuseum

Hans Baldung Grien (1484-1540)-'die drei Lebensalter und der Tod' 'the three ages and death'-oil on wood-(1509-1511) Wien-Kunsthistorishes Museum Gemäldegalerie

Hans Baldung Grien (1484-1540)-'Tod und Frau' 'death and woman'-oil on wood-(1518-1520) Basel-Kunstmuseum

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