

Cumaean Sibyl (Sibíla de Cumas)

The Sibyl of Cumae or Cumana accompanied Aeneas to Hell (Virgil, Aeneid). That is why Dante chose Virgil to guide him through Hell in the Divine Comedy. He wrote the Sibylline Books, which would disappear later in a fire, and offered them to king Tarquin.

A Sibila de Cumas ou Cumana acompanhou Eneias aos Infernos (Virgílio-Eneida). Por essa razão Dante escolheu Virgílio para o guiar no Inferno da Divina Comédia. Escreveu os Livros Sibilinos que ofereceu ao rei Tarquínio, mais tarde desaparecidos num incêndio.

Salvator Rosa (1615-1673)-'river landscape with Apollo and Cumean Sibyl'-oil on canvas-ca 1655 London-Wallace collection

Elihu Vedder (1836-1923)-'the Cumean Sibyl'-oil on canvas-1876 Detroit-Institute of Arts

Circle of Nöel Halle (1711-1781)-'the Cumean Sibyl'-oil on canvas Private collection

Giovanni Francesco Barbieri (Guercino) (1591-1666)-'the Cumean Sibyl with a putto'-oil on canvas London-National Gallery

Claude Gellée or Lorrain (ca 1600-1682)-'coast view with Apollo and Cumaean Sibyl'-(1645-1649)

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