

Indian Union (Índia)

The Hindu and Muslim religious communities in British India broke up after the independence in 1948. Two countries were created: the Indian Union and Pakistan. Captain Robert M. Grindlay (19th century) left his description of that pictorial English colony.

As comunidades religiosas Hindu e Islâmica da Índia Inglesa separaram-se após a independência em 1948. Criaram dois países: União Indiana e Paquistão respectivamente. O capitão Robert M. Grindlay (séc. XIX) deixou o seu testemunho pictórico dessa colónia Inglesa.

Captain Robert M. Grindlay (19th century)-'portico of a Hindoo temple with other Hindoo and Mahomedan buildings'

Captain Robert M. Grindlay (19th century)-'great excaveted temple at Ellora in 1813'

Captain Robert M. Grindlay (19th century)-'Aurungabad from the ruins of Aurungzebes palace'

Captain Robert M. Grindlay (19th century)-'the Rajah of Cutch'

Captain Robert M. Grindlay (19th century)-'preparation for a Sutee or the immolation of a Hondo widow'

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