

Herakles and Cerberus

The death of Cerberus, the offspring of Typhon and Echidna, brother of Ortros (the dog) and Hydra, was the 12th work of Hercules, imposed by the Oracle of Delphi. The union of Cerberus and Chimera resulted in the birth of the Lion of Nemea and the Sphinx. Cerberus guarded the entrance to the kingdom of Hades at the arrival of the boat of Charon. The aconite was born from its slobber.

A morte de Cerberus, filho de Tifon e Equidna, irmão do cão Ortros e da Hidra, constituiu o 12º trabalho de Héracles imposto pelo Oráculo de Delfos. Da união de Cérbero com a Quimera nasceram o Leão de Nemeia e a Esfinge. Guardava a entrada do reino de Hades à chegada da barca de Caronte. Da sua baba nasceu o acónito.

Attr. Leagros group, painter S-'Herakles and Cerberus'-attic-(black-figure)-hydria-ca 510 BC   Toledo-Museum of Art (1969.371)

Andokides painter-'Herakles and Cerberus'-attic-(red-figure)-amphora-(530-520 BC)   Paris-Musée du Louvre (F 204) Herakles and Cerberus

Eagle painter-'Herakles and Cerberus'-attic-(black-figure)-hydria-ca 510 BC     Paris-Musée du Louvre (E 701)

Attr. Leagros group painter-'Athena, Herakles, Cerberus, Hades, Persephone in the Underworld'--(black-figure)-amphora-Cerveteri-ca 520 BC   Città del Vaticano-Museo Gregoriano Etrusco (372)

Paseas (Cerberus painter)-'Herakles, Cerberus and Hermes'-attic-(red-figure)-kylix-ca 525 BC   Boston-Museum of Fine Arts (01.8025)

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