

Interpretatio naturae by Johann Georg  Platzer (1704-1761)

The Austrian painter Johann Georg Platzer (1704-1761) chose historical, mythological and allegorical themes for their work.

O pintor Austríaco Johann Georg Platzer (1704-1761) escolheu assuntos históricos, mitológicos e alegóricos para os seus trabalhos.

Johann Georg Platzer (1704-1761)-'marriage of Aphrodite and Hepahaestus'-oil on copper   Rio de Janeiro (Palácio do Itamaraty)-Museu Histórico e Diplomático

Johann Georg Platzer (1704-1761)-'Latona turning the Lycian peasnts into frogs'-oil on copper-ca 1730   Minneapolis-Institute of Arts

Johann Georg Platzer (1704-1761)-'allegory of the four Seasons'-oil on copper-ca 1750   Private collection

Johann Georg Platzer (1704-1761)-'an allegory of misrule'-oil on copper-   Birmingham-Museum and Art Gallery

Johann Georg Platzer (1704-1761)-'the banquet of Cleopatra'-oil on copper-ca 1750   St  Petersburg-Hermitage

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