

Birth of Christ (Geburt Christi)

The historicity of the birth of Jesus Christ has been long established, with the exception of one day that is not documented. For this reason Christian Churches have set a date according to their liturgical calendar.

A historicidade do nascimento de Jesus Cristo está há muito estabelecida, com excepção do dia que não se encontra documentado. Por essa razão as Igrejas Cristãs estabeleceram uma data de acordo com o seu calendário litúrgico.

Unknown-'Nativity'-modern Romanian icon

Meister der Palastkapelle-'Nativity'-mosaic-ca 1150   Palermo-Cappella Palatina

Mittelrheinischer Meister um 1420-'Heilige Familie mit Engeln' 'Holy Fam,ily with Angels'-oil on oak wood   Berlin-Gemäldegalerie

Bernardo Daddi (1290-1350)-'Birth of Jesus Christ'-oil on wood-(1325-1350)   Edinburgh-National Gallery of Scotland

Geertgen tot Sint Jans (ca 1460-ca 1488)-'Birth of Jesus Christ'-oil on wood-ca 1488   London-National Gallery

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