

Five senses of the human body

The perception of the world that surrounds human beings depends on sensory factors that enable us to capture the surrounding reality. They are called: touch, taste, smell, hearing, sight, according to the hierarchy established in the Middle Ages

A percepção do mundo que rodeia os seres humanos depende de factores sensoriais susceptíveis de captar a realidade envolvente. Denominam-se: tacto, gosto, olfacto, audição, visão; de acordo com hierarquia estabelecida na Idade Média.

Sebastian Stoskopff (1597-1657)-'Summer or the Five senses'-oil on canvas-1633   Strasbourg-Musée de l'Oeuvre de Notre Dame

Giuseppe Recco (1634-1695)-'still-life with the Five senses'-oil on canvas-1676   Private collection

Theodoor Rombouts (1597-1637)-'allegory of 'the Five senses'-oil on canvas   Ghent-Museum voor Schone Kunsten

Abraham Bosse (1602-1676)-'the Five senses: hearing'-oil on canvas-ca 1635   Tours-Musée des Beaux Arts

Frans Francken younger (1581-1642)-'the Five senses'-oil on wood   Paris-Musée du Louvre

Jacques Linnard (1600-1645)-'the Five senses'-oil on canvas-1638   Strasbourg-Musée des Beaux Arts

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