

Fishing in Antiquity

Fishing was, at all times, one of the easiest sources of obtaining animal protein. Therefore this activity is not forgotten by the painters of all centuries.

A pesca foi, em todas as épocas, uma das mais fáceis fontes de obtenção de proteínas de origem animal. Por essa razão não a esqueceram os pintores dos vários séculos.

Unknown-'fishing'-miniature-14th century Roma-Biblioteca Casanatense (Tacuinum Sanitatis, Ms 4182)

Unknown-'men fishing on the Nile'-roman mosaic-2nd century AD   Tripoli .Jamahiriya Museum (from Leptis Magma, Villa Nillus)

Unknown-'young man with fishing nets' and 'a couple fishing with net and fishing rod'-attic-(red-figure)-pelike-(480-470 BC)   Wien-Kunsthistoriches Museum antikensammlung (Vienna 3727)

Unknown (1292-1225 BC)-'fishermen, putting in nets, fishing with baskets'-wallpainting   Paris-Musée du Louvre (from Thebes-tomb of Ipy nº 217)

Unknown painter of Karlsruhe 66/140-'three sea-perch and three limpets'-Apulian-(red-figure)-plate-(340-320 BC)   London-British Museum (London F 266)

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