

Railway development (19th century)

In the 19th century the advances in transportation had its high point in the creation of rail networks where trains circulated towed by steam machines.  Passengers and cargo were transported throughout the civilized world.

No séc. XIX o progresso dos transportes teve o seu ponto alto na criação de redes ferroviárias onde circulavam comboios (trens) rebocados por máquinas a vapor. Transportaram passageiros e carga por todo o mundo civilizado.

Cuthbert Hamilton Ellis (1909-1987)-'LSWR (London and South Western Railway) train'-1850   York-National Railway Museum

Carl von Ghega (1802-1860)-'construction of the Semmering Railroad Line first european mountain railroad across the Semmering Pass in Lower Austria'   Wien-Technisches Museum

Eduard Gurk (1801-1841)-'the railroad-bridge in Brno (ZR)'-watercolour-ca 1840   St Poelten-Niederösterreichiches Landesmuseum

Georges d'Espagnat (1870-1750)-'a suburban railroad station'-oil on canvas-ca 1895   Paris-Musée d'Orsay

Ignaz Sonntag (1801- )-'the train in Vienna (north train)'-Biedermeier coloured lithograph-1837   Wien-Historisches Museum der Stadt Wien
Unknown-'Emperor Frans Joseph I returns from his trip to Budapest and is greated at Vienna Western Railroad Station by the Lord Mayor of Vienna Karl Lueger'-watercolour   Wien-Nationalbibliothek

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