

Chimera (Quimera)

The Chimera, originally from Anatolia, appeared in the 7th century BC Greek legends. This offspring of Echidna and Typhon was a fire-breathing monstrous being. It is said that it destroyed the land around Lycia until it was killed by Bellorophon who rode Pegasus, the winged horse.

A Quimera, oriunda da Anatólia, surgiu nas lendas gregas pelo séc. VII aC. Este ser monstruoso, filho de Equidna e Tífon, expelia fogo. Terá destruído a Lícia até ser abatida por Belerofonte montado em Pégaso, cavalo alado.

Lampas group-'Chimera'-apulian-(red-figure)-dish-(350-340 BC)   Paris-Musée du Louvre (K 362)

Attr. Boread painter-'Bellerophon fighting Chimera'-laconian-(black figure)-kylix-(570-565 BC)    Malibu-J. Paul Getty Museum (55 AE 121)

Attr.Cleophon painter-'Bellerophon, Chimera and Pegasos'-   Paris-Musée du Louvre (G 446)

Unknown-'Chimera'-attic-(red-figure)-askos-(420-400 BC)   Paris-Musée du Louvre (G 447)

Attr. Heidelberg painter-'Bellerophon and Chimera'-attic-(black figure)-cup-(560-550 BC)   Paris-Musée du Louvre (A 478)

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