

Napoleon in Austria (1805-1809)

Between 1803 and 1814 seven alliances of European countries against Napoleon were formed. During the third, Napoleon occupied Vienna in the late1805, before beating Mikhail Kutuzov at Austerlitz. He came back in 1809 (5th alliance) to be defeated at Essling, and to be the winner at Wagram, where half of the Portuguese Legion at his service died.

Entre 1803 e 1814 formaram-se sete alianças de países europeus contra Napoleão. Durante a terceira ocupa Viena no final de 1805, antes de derrotar Mikhail Kutuzov em Austerlitz. Volta em 1809 (5ª aliança) para ser derrotado em Essling e vencer em Wagram onde morreu metade da Legião Portuguesa ao seu serviço.

Anne-Louis Girodet de Roucy-Trosson (1767-1824)-'Napoleon Bonaparte receiving the keys of Vienna at Schloss Schönbrunn (November 13, 1805)'-oil on canvas   Versailles-Musée National du Châteaux et des Trianons

François Pascal Simon Gérard (1770-1837)-batle od Austerlitz (December 1, 1805)'- oil on canvas-1810   Versailles-Musée National du Châteaux et des Trianons

Fernand Cormon (1845-1824)-'battle of Aspern-Essling (May 21-22, 1809)'-oil on canvas   Mulhouse-Musée des Beaux-Arts

Paul-Émile Boutigny (1854-1829)-'Essling May 22, Jean Lannes had both his legs amputed and died a few days after that'-engraving

Julius Kossak (1824-1899)-battle of Wagram (July 6, 1809)'-oil on canvas-1867

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