

Iran, Chehel Sotoun Museun in Isphahan

Around the year 1600, King Abbas II of Persia ordered the building of a palace in the city of Isphahan for receptions and recreation. He decorated it with frescoes on different subjects.

Cerca do ano 1600 o rei Abbas II da Pérsia mandou construir na cidade de Isphahan um Palácio para recepções e recreio. Decorou-o com frescos sobre temas diversos.

Unknown (17th century)-'Shah Abbas II receiving Vali Nadr Muhamad Khan'-fresco

Unknown (17th century)-'battle of Chaldiran (1514) against Ottoman Sultan Selim I'-fresco

Unknown (17th century)-'reception'-fresco

Unknown (17th century)-'scene of battle'-fresco

Unknown (17th century)-'old war'-fresco

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