


Due to the presence of several alkaloids, the juice produced by the capsules of the “poppy joy” was used for medical or recreational purposes. Once dry, when smoked or chewed, it causes euphoria followed by oneiric sleep.

Devido à presença de vários alcalóides empregam o suco produzido pelas cápsulas das 'papoilas da alegria' com fins médicos ou recreativos. Depois de seco, quando fumado ou mascado, provoca euforia seguida de sono onírico.

Unknown (19th century)-'men smoking opium, sitting on lying on the ground'-miniature   London-British Library (Ms ID ASIO 49, fol. 3 Manners and customs, India Office Album, 1870)

William John Huggins (1781-1816)-'opium ships at Lintin in China, 1824'-engraving by Edward Duncan-(1840-1850)   Greenwich-National Maritime Museum

William James Müller (1812-1845)-'opium stall'-oil on panel-1841

Carlo Sarra (1844-1905)-'opium smoker'-oil on canvas-1890   Pavia-Civiche Raccolta d'Arte Moderna

Unknown-'genie carrying a poppy flower'-(bas-relief)   Paris-Musée du Louvre (from Khorsabad)

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